wow, this is my first blog, so honestly I am not even sure where to begin.. so i will give you a brief of my journey to here.
My birth name given is Becky, i was given the name Destiny when I was 16ish by a dear friend, who said i was destined for so many great things, and to help many. Hmm she wasn't completely wrong about that. so that is sorta where the Destiny's Karma Rejuvenation came from. i knew wanted Destiny, and rejuvenation and another dear friend said Karma, because it is to rejuvenate the karma you have created this go around the world, so that is where Destiny's Karma Rejuvenation came from. Some may scratch their head on it but it makes total sense to me, LOL. So what is my mission, goal, dream, desire here. it's easy i want to try to help others. it started out with Reiki and sound therapy to help others heal and achieve relaxation. then honestly i don't know where it came from but one day i thought, man adding health coaching to the mix would be cool. So as the beautiful universe does, it aligned a school to me for health coaching. It was weird, awesome, mind blowing all at the same time. But i just knew in my heart it was meant. So yea, back to what i want to accomplish here..... i want to introduce my clients to an all around holistic approach to wellness and happiness, incorporate these 3 main tools, Reiki, Sound Therapy, and Holistic Health coaching to help my clients achieve that wellness and balance. Most people are not aware of some much less all three of these elements, so i want to introduce them. Most people now days only knows, oh i don't feel good let me go to the doctor.. oh the doctor says i have... this or that.. here are some pills to "help". And see that is where some of the problem starts. Now, don't get me wrong western medicine and doctors are very good.. for it's purpose and when needed for critical emergencies, so no i am not at all or by any means bashing western medicine or doctors.. both have helped me in the past when it was needed, and i am positive they have helped some of yall as well. My issue is the "pill" well and other things but we will start there. so you go to the doctor and he says you have this "disease" and gives you some meds and you will probably have to take them for a long time, if not for life. But, why? all that is doing is causing more side effects and problems, you are treating the symptom of the "disease" not the actual "disease". and what is DISEASE???.. well, i see it as the body is in DIS- Ease, the body or mind or what ever is not at ease. Most aliments, (don't mis read, most not all) can be treated and the root cause of the problem, and not the side effect with a pill. Most things can be boiled down to food intake, and mind and body. So i want to help show you there are other methods to treat the issues at hand, that are not pharmaceutical, there is a holistic approach to it. Think about it way back in the day our ancestors didn't have all these medicines, and honestly all the issues we have today. the Medicine man/woman spoke to the patient, knew what was going on in their whole life, family, work, all of it, they could tell where there was an imbalance and could start there. And they were treated holistically from mother earth, not from pill bottle A. So in a nut shell that is what i want i want to work with my clients and help them all around and see where the true imbalance is and work from there in a natural and nourishing way one on one with the time devoted to you, not a rush in rush out, where the provider barely knows your name if at all.. if it wasn't for that chart they wouldn't. i mean how can they when you wait in their lobby for an hour.. and that's a good day, then in the exam room and spend less than 5 minutes with them, and they seem distracted the whole 5 minutes you there and then they say oh this is whats wrong here is a pill for that, thanks have a nice life... no no no, that is not what anyone deserves, and i am here to give you the more, the more you didn't even realize was available. tell me what you think?!
so this was my first blog and i may have rambled a bit, but i feel you may know me just a little bit better now and what i dream to accomplish, or a taste of it anyways. there is so much more, but i wanted to make this first one kinda personal and not to drawn out.
do you have any suggestions on what you would like to see in my blogs or newsletters. please feel free to email me, or comment below with any suggestions, until next time, health, love and light my beauties.
love Becky AKA Destiny